BG Blur

Design and lifestyle: my approach, methodology, and work style.

Marcus Muller Portrait

My clients raised owning to my design work


Successfully finished projects


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Optimal outcomes are achieved through websites that prioritize user-friendliness, showcase relevant content, and captivate the audience.




With a proven history of crafting websites and apps, I bring forth robust and user-centric digital designs. The cornerstone of any successful website lies in a firm corporate branding.



I construct scalable websites from the ground up, seamlessly aligning them with the design. My primary emphasis lies in micro animations, transitions, and interactivity.


Full Package

From idea to execution, I specialize in delivering full-fledged websites. What sets me apart is my keen design sensibility and development expertise, allowing me to craft stuning projects.

When I'm away from the computer, you'll often find me hit the gym, drink coffee in local coffee shop, or taking leisurely walks with our dogs.

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A limited showcase of my projects

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Designed an integrated process enforced by an easy-to-use mobile app, redefining how the ground operations team approached their work and service.

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A distance algorithm can match people with similar interests within a social group and context. Are you joining a new school? New club? Moving into a new neighbourhood? Use Sparks to grow your professional circle.

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Interesting in working with me?

If you don't have any other questions, ask me about my flying experience! 
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